Reader's Poll
I think I've always known that anything worth something, never comes easily. My Dad and Mom taught me early on, that much of life is learned in the "School of Hard Knocks", and that life must be lived with intention in order to create something worth while. Idle hands will produce an idle mind, which in turn reaps a bounty of poverty. My Dad spoke about life in proverbs much of the time, and I listened.
This year has been no different than any other. People will comment on how the world is "getting worse", and "how will future generations survive?" I don't buy it. The world has always had it's problems, and most likely will continue. But it's no worse. Take a stroll through the Bible and you'll see the most terrifying situations that not a one of us would want to ever experience.
Anyway, that's way off my topic for this blog post. I'm good at that actually…going down those proverbial rabbit trails.
For the last couple of weeks I've been pondering on business changes for the coming year. What my goals for 2015 should look like. How will I get there? Why should I embrace these particular goals? Should I shake things up and look totally different for the coming year? Have the last 2 years been successful years, as a business owner rates success? Should I continue to offer the Scruples line of products to my clients? Or any products, for that matter? Should I add yet another line? Speaking of lines, how can I increase my bottom line? What promotions should I offer? How often? Etc, etc, etc...
And so it goes...
But for today, I would like to take a poll. Would you mind leaving a comment below, of what you would like to hear about through this blog? Anything beauty related…hair, skin, reflexology, eyelash extensions, etc. Those things that you would be interested in (even a new service, possibly), I can create a post about. Maybe you'd like product reviews. Or how-to's on problems you've experienced. No question will go unanswered, and you just may get your question, or idea, blogged about and shared in cyber space. Cool, eh?
You could also email me at, with your questions.
Thank you for making 2014 a great year at Elements Salon! Revenue was up and friendships gained. Without you, my faithful clients, there would be no goal setting this year. I hope I can be as encouraging to you, as you have been to me these past 2 years. Many of you have become much like family. Such a great group of clients I have been entrusted with.
I look forward to hearing from you!
May 2015 bring many favorable opportunities your way...