Beauty Q & A with Mary...Session 3
Heyyyy!!!! Is this really week 3? I feel time slipping through my world, like spaghetti on my fork. We are coming round the bend with this beauty session. Three down, two to go! So…today’s question Is a little different in that it’s not addressing an actual beauty need, or question. This question comes from a client who comes from the old school of a handshake being good enough. Oh yeah. I could really get into that, if it were but a quality that was evident in today’s world. I love trust, honor, respect. Sad to say, many of us get caught up in the day-to-day hustle, that we now must have automated schedulers with confirmation tabs to poke. If those tabs fail to get pushed (or poked), crazy business owners, such as myself, get a bit concerned. Please read on, dear one…
Q #3. If I pre-book with you, why do I need to confirm? I’ll be there unless I call to let you know I can’t make it.
A #3. I, like most service businesses, use software that keeps our hours working as smoothly as possible. Like a well-oiled machine. Here are the reasons I need that confirmation:
Many times I have people waiting to get in to see me on the day that works best for them. Sometimes, I have to book them too far out for their needs, so I will put them on a waiting list. Other times, they need a last minute appointment. My booking software will give a 3 day notice and ask for a confirmation with Elements Salon. If the client fails to do so, they will receive another notice the day before they are due in to see me. That is the 24 hour notice of cancellation time. If I see they have not confirmed, that means I can call the other person (who has been waiting for an appointment), that a time has become available, and they should get their ducks in a row, and plan an outing.
When I see that an appointment has not been confirmed, at least 24 hours before the time, my fingers get itchy to text or call the one waiting for an opening. I will first try making contact to see if original client is still planning on making their scheduled appointment. If they do not respond quickly, it puts me in a tight spot. Should I call the client waiting? What if I do, and the original client shows up for their non-confirmed appointment? Confirmation is soooo important.
Possibilities are numerous. Instead of confirming when my software gives notice (3 days prior to the appointment), some may be busy and think they will get to it later. Later never comes. Again, for numerous reasons. Here is what my brain is going over at that point, as possibilities:
A. They have become ill, requiring hospitalization (unconscious, perhaps). Or just really sick…in a bad way. What’s a phone, kinda sick.
B. They have gotten into an accident (God forbid). Seriously, who would think about a hair appointment during times such as this?
C. A family member has called them out of town for an emergency (and it slips their mind).
D. They’re leaving their options open.
E. They want to test my grace. Nah, my clients are pretty dang awesome. But, OTHER business owners may have their grace tested, from time to time.
F. Work has distracted them so fiercely, work is all they can think about. "What hair appointment??? “Wait, when was my appointment? Did I make an appointment? Oh, I didn’t see where it said to confirm.”
MEMO: I will always give grace where it is needed. I have many clients that are, and have been since I moved to NC, regulars. Many pre-schedule their time with me, the entire year, making sure their spot will be secure. Should they ever need to switch their times around, it is never a problem. I will do my darnedest to get them into another spot they can deal with. Because they are so faithful. Even if they should get stuck in traffic, need to stop for coffee after work, while on the way to the salon, I have no issue with that. They are my people. Sorry, I refuse to say “tribe”. That’s the latest thing going around, now. Have you noticed?! Everybody has a “tribe”. I’m just not into that.
The moral to this story? Common courtesy goes a very long way. In any world…not just the business one. Confirm. 10/4 good buddy. Over and out…