The Egyptian Method of Hand Reflexology
As promised, here is a little more information about the recent service that has been added to Elements Salon.
The history of reflexology goes way back to the records left by the Egyptians in the "Physicians Tomb" from the early 6th dynasty (about 2,330 B.C.). Pictures depicting the massaging of the hands and feet had hieroglyphics which translated to "Don't hurt me" and the reply, "I shall act so you praise me".
Asian cultures, as well, have used acupressure or Shiatsu, and acupuncture which uses needles instead of massage. Most cultures have some type of relaxation techniques using the hands or feet.
Dr. William H. Fitzgerald is usually referred to as the pioneer of Reflexology which he called Zone Therapy in his 1917 book, Zone Therapy, or Relieving Pain at Home. Since that time, several others (including doctors), have expanded and helped make popular Reflexology.
A little stress is required to maintain certain biological organisms; however, too much can cause pathological changes in the body. Reflexology relieves stress and tension, improves blood circulation and helps unblock nerve impulses to achieve homeostasis.
In layman's terms, there were these guys, in the early 1900's (one a Physiology teacher at Harvard), that came up with the term "homeostasis", meaning "like standing". The term was used to mean the self-regulation of such internal physiologic processes as body temperature, blood pressure, water balance, blood sugar concentration, and levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Cannon's interest (the teacher), was in health rather than disease.
It was his counterpart, Selye and his theory of stress, along with Cannon's view of homeostasis, and one other guy, Claude Bernard, who laid the foundation of the modern concept of disease causation that gave the basis for the belief that STRESS CAN CAUSE DISEASE.
There are soooo many nerve endings in our extremities. It's been claimed that there are over 7000 in the feet alone. I have no idea how many are in the hands; less, most likely. Any stimulation of these nerve endings sends signals along the spinal cord, and up to the thalamus gland in the brain, which produces its own opiate-like painkillers called endorphins. Reflexology stimulates the body's own pain killing system. How awesome is that?!
Reflexology is similar to Acupressure, Shiatsu, and Acupuncture. Whether it's a pressure point or a needle point, it is the nervous system's reaction to this stimuli that begins the process of releasing painkillers from the brain into the bloodstream to be distributed throughout the body.
As an introduction to this amazing service, during the month of August, Elements Salon is offering this service free of charge. Reflexology will only be offered as an add-on to an existing service, not as a stand-alone service. The service will need to be scheduled in order to give ample time to administer the reflexology.
Beginning in September, it will only add another $15 onto your service bill when scheduling as an add-on to an existing service.
Such a relaxing way to end your day! Or begin your day!
See you soon!