Meet Mary - With a passion for beauty


(located inside My Salon Suite at Waverly Place in Cary, NC)

Welcome to Elements Salon!

What Drives Me:

What we believe, is what guides us through life. Limited only by my imagination, I've always loved the art of creating something beautiful out of the not-so-beautiful and improving on something that is already beautiful, even if it is by only one simple addition that others haven't noticed as being possible. 

My passion for the beauty industry comes from loving to help others feel better about themselves. There’s nothing quite like seeing a clients eyes sparkle, and a smile slowly etching itself across their face, as the mirror tells them to walk just a little taller. The stress seems to melt away, and heaviness disappears. It’s just the best!

If we can imagine, or believe where our heart leads, we can attain it. If we couple that with passion, patience, persistence, and a direct reliance upon God, failure becomes something that leads us to greater things. This belief has quickly translated into my love of adding to someone's life, not only in the beauty industry, but in everyday living.

 When you step into my studio, you will instantly feel the peaceful environment that provides an assurance you’ve come to the right place. You can relax to the sound of the fountain as easy listening music plays quietly in the background, and the surroundings of nature gives you a place to unwind. If you are a first time client, please know I will never take your desires for granted, as we both agree on what best suits you. If your appointment has you staying awhile, you may even enjoy a glass of wine while you wait. Welcome to my world!

History of How I Got From There (small beginnings) to Here:

The journey into the beauty industry began for me in 1974, in Oklahoma. It wasn't until 1978 that my first business took wings. Starting out of our rural, remodeled 2 car garage, it became known as Mary's Place. That location flourished, being in a community that connected to 2 different states in as few miles as 14, when traveling north or northeastward; and 1 state being only an hour southeast. As the word spread, people as far as 90 miles away scheduled monthly appointments.

In May of 2002, we moved the business into town and changed the name to South Side Salon and Day Spa. Many clients touched my life in the building located at 108 "A" St. SE, and in the one located at 1829 N. Main. The business flourished for 10 years and we decided a move to North Carolina, to be close to our daughters, would be something to entertain as the years flew past us. Of course a new business would have to be part of that plan. I was no where close to wanting a "retirement" job at the young age of 65.

Challenges were about to present themselves. But, we've always embraced change, so…starting over was not an issue. Especially knowing that our daughters would be "just down the road." We were very excited! Maybe a little sad at leaving what we had always known as home, yet the pull was strong because we also believed that home is where the heart is...and our girls (our heart), was near the East Coast.

September 1, 2012, brought a whole new adventure my way. The move had happened and the challenge I believed myself up for, presented itself. No doubt, it was a hard two years getting the business off the ground and I had my share of despairing moments as resources continued going out the door, as my newly developing business struggled.

I found myself in an area thoroughly saturated in the hair industry. Everything ranging from the "over-worked-with-little-to-show-for-it", to the affluent & well established businesses. An area rich in research, with people moving in and out of state in as little as 1-3 years, I knew my focus for success must rely on the settled, here-to-stay, people. Ah…but I do love the Research Triangle of North Carolina and the people it brings to my door. I suppose one could say I am being cultured in the versatility of the world’s melting pot of nationalities.

The biggest of challenges I faced, lay in the fact I had moved to an area where no one knew me. Some knew OF me, seeing as how both our daughters had lived and worked here for 8 plus years at the time of our move. And, that I wasn't exactly a "spring chicken". But I WAS a mature, experienced, and determined woman. Therefore...

Elements Salon was born!


Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt